I am an industrial researcher with 20 years of experience. After some researches on carbonaceous materials, I am now focus on innovative composite materials for High Voltage applications. In addition to my research skills, I am experimented in project management, in communication with customers, in technological watch and in team management.
I am interested to continue to work in materials R&D projects either in the energy domain or in new technologies and ideally always in a sustainable way.
To succeed in my tasks, I have got an out of the box mind which allows me to quickly analyse various topics (e.g. management, technological bottle-necks, project tenders, communications) to extract current or potential issues then to propose innovating solutions to counter or avoid them. This allows me to complete my projects in time while respecting their budgets.
Major in: Spectroscopy, Nanoreactivity, Simulation and Modelisation, Biophysics, Photochemistry et Photophysics, Polymers - conception and process, Quantum dynamics.
Details and Extracurriculars
2nd year of master has been financed thanks to a scholarships acknowledging the results of the first year
Validation of the degree has been granted after a 6 months research internship in the laboratory of atomic and molecular collisions (nowadays known as ISMO). Results of the internship have opened a Ph.D. topic and have been published in a peer-reviewed journal.